Our Services
Comfort Matters provides many services to ensure a comfortable home environment. Below is a list of our most commonly provided services. Click on each service to see more detailed explanation of work performed. If you don't find the service you are looking for below, please do not hesitate to call and ask our friendly and knowledgeable service staff about it.
Dispatch to property, diagnose a known problem with the system and make necessary repairs to ensure proper functionality of the system.
We check over all operational components of the system to check for proper efficiency and capacity.
1 Heavy Cleaning Tune Up Per Year
1 Light Cleaning Tune Up Per Year
10% Discount off of repairs
Single Service Call Rate
Guarenteed Drain Leans
Priority Service
Duct inspections and repairs to ensure proper airflow throughout the property for the best possible comfort.
A system performance inspection to include light or heavy cleaning of coils and cabinets. Light Cleaning generally takes 1 - 1.5 hours and the Heavy Cleaning generally takes 1.5 to 3 hours.
We will arrive and conduct an existing comfort interview to find the deficiencies with your current system build if there are any. Room by room heat loads may be conducted on site to ensure future comfort.
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